Tunnel Ostelsheim Germany

Project details
- Customer: ARGE Neubau Tunnel Ostelsheim (Feldhaus Bergbau | Sofbau | Monierbau)
- Building owner: Hermann Hesse Bahn
- Construction time RSB: August 2022 until December 2022
- Trades to be supplied:Arch formwork, Ring beam formwork for portal structure
- Dimensions:
- Block length: 10m
- Weight: 70 Tons
- Besonderheiten: With the arch and ring beam formwork supplied by RSB, not only the inner shell but also the portal structures at the tunnel entrance and exit can be concreted at once. The project was realized by RSB with the client in the shortest possible time, so that the planning, production, test assembly and delivery were accomplished within 2 months. Also the subsequent assembly could be carried out within a very short time despite difficult conditions due to the limited space at the assembling area.

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