3 Hochbehälter in Kundl Österreich

Round basin formwork systems

Project details

  • Customer: Strabag AG, Hoch- und Verkehrswegebau
  • Building owner: Marktgemeinde Kundl
  • Construction time RSB: November 2022
  • Volume: 3 x 500m³
  • Dimensions:
  • Tank 1: 10,6m diameter / 6,9m height
  • Tank 2: 10,0m diameter / 7,0m height
  • Tank 3: 10,0m diameter / 7,0m height
  • Special features: One drinkingwater-tank is built new, the 2 existing ones are made higher as they became too small. The inner formwork is covered with Zemdrain. Formwork is lined with Zemdrain on the inside.
1 drinking water tank newly built, 2 existing tanks are increased by RSB Formwork Technology GmbH.

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RSB Formwork Technology

Schilfweg 1 · 6972 Fußach · Austria


+43 (0) 5578 7960-400

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