Three basins



Round basin formwork systems

Project details

  • Construction company: Landschaftsgestaltung Straßen-, Tief- und Wasserbau GmbH
  • Building owner: Wasserzweckverband Freiberg
  • Construction time RSB: February 2022 – June 2022
  • Dimensions:
  • Buffer basin: 12 m diameter / 6,5 m height
  • Settling basin: 12 m diameter / 8,2 m height
    Thin sludge basin: 12 m diameter / 6,5 m height
  • Special features:
    The dense, smooth and low-porosity inner surface of the basins is achieved by means of an absorbent formwork skin already applied at the time of delivery. Since the formwork works without anchors, no anchor holes have to be closed and sealed afterwards.
Construction of three reinforced concrete tanks with climbing formwork / circular formwork from RSB Formwork Technology

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RSB Formwork Technology

Schilfweg 1 · 6972 Fußach · Austria


+43 (0) 5578 7960-400

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