Raw sludge storage



Digesters Formwork systems

Project details

  • Customer: Hofschröer GmbH & Co KG
  • Building owner: Hanse Water
  • Construction time RSB: May 2014 – August 2014
  • Capacity:4 x 950 m³
  • Dimensions:
    Funnel: 45° inclination / 4.40 m height
    12,5 m diameter / 6,25 m height
    Flat roof: 12,5m diameter
  • Special features:
    Hofschröer chose RSB as its formwork partner because the RSB system is both anchor-free (100 % leak-proof) and self-climbing (can be moved by means of a working platform).
Pipe sludge storage Bremen-Seehausen - Germany

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RSB Formwork Technology

Schilfweg 1 · 6972 Fußach · Austria


+43 (0) 5578 7960-400

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