


Digesters Formwork systems

Project details

  • Customer: WBB Bau & Beton GmbH
  • Building owner: Verbandskläranlage Arnstadt
  • Construction time RSB: June 2014 – August 2014
  • Capacity: 1.290 m³
  • Dimensions:
    Funnel: 45° inclination / 5 m height
    11 m diameter / 10 m height
    Cone roof: 59° inclination / 1 m height
  • Special features:
    WBB has already worked with RSB’s formwork technology several times. They took advantage of the added value of our funnel formwork and also used it to quickly and easily create the cleanliness layer before concreting the actual funnel inner wall.
Arnstadt digester - Germany

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RSB Formwork Technology

Schilfweg 1 · 6972 Fußach · Austria


+43 (0) 5578 7960-400

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